New News

Hi there!

Last time we were here we had some scary, yet exciting news. Scary because we were stepping away from what we had known, from what we had worked so hard to build, yet exciting because it meant we get the chance to step into something new-- to take the lessons we have learned along the way and continue building. Better. Stronger.

It's been just over 6 months, and we are already seeing so many positive changes. First, we have welcomed three new baby girls into our 41family and are expecting a baby boy, any day now. The ladies have relocated to another new (temporary) shop, we've hired new employees, partnered with new artisans, started new trainings, and all of this, of course, means there are new products on the way!!

We have moved considerably slower for this fresh start than we have in the past; we know the thrill of the BOOM and also the sting of failure. This time around, we are careful and calculated, content to stay slow and steady, making every effort to get this right. We have not been perfect, we will not be perfect, but we are giving it our all.

Over the next couple of weeks, you will get to meet some our new team members and we'll take you behind the scenes to see and hear about some of the new product lines they will be incorporating, as well as getting to know our new give-back partners. We would also love to give you a tour of our new workspace, but first....


Today, we are putting on our pearls! We are honored to partner with Mercy House Global joining our hands around the world, and raising money for 12 different non-profits who exist to empower women in oppression and poverty with She Is Priceless, a Global Giving Day.

Today only, No.41 is going to raise $5,000 to get us over the hump and into our very own brand new shop! With the growth we've already seen and the growth we expect to see, we need a bigger space and one that we can rely on. We've been saving our pennies all year, we have our sights set on the perfect location, we have 50% of what need, and we need your help with the rest to make it happen! It's so easy!

Step 1: Learn About the Incredible Organizations Participating in the She Is Priceless Giving Day

Step 2: Donate to Support Their Work

Step 3: Grab A Free Image To Share On Social Media Or Take A “Selfless Selfie” With Your Favorite Pearl Jewelry And Use The Hashtag #PutOnYourPearls

Step 4: Link Back To The She Is Priceless Page To Let Others Know They Can Join The Movement.

So, go ahead! #putonyourpearls, take a selfless selfie, give sacrificially today and stand up to say you see these injustices, these desperate women who are begging God for provision, and that's not ok with you.

tara clapper